# General syntax for initializing a ListLiteral
list_literal = ListLiteral(1, 'a', True)

# Syntax for accessing elements and length of ListLiteral
element = list_literal.get(0)  # Get first element
length = list_literal.__len__()  # Get length of the list

# Syntax for VariadicList and its operations
variadic_list = VariadicList(1, 2, 3)
element = variadic_list.__getitem__(1)  # Get second element
length = variadic_list.__len__()  # Get length of the variadic list

Overview: The provided API introduces two main components: ListLiteral and VariadicList along with its memory-only counterpart VariadicListMem and a utility class VariadicPack. These components are designed for handling lists and variadic arguments within the Mojo programming environment. ListLiteral allows for the creation of heterogeneous lists, whereas VariadicList and its variations offer a structured way to access and manipulate function arguments that are passed variadically.

Key Features:

Use Cases:


Compatibility: These components are built-in within the Mojo programming environment, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility within Mojo applications. The usage in other programming languages or frameworks is not directly supported, but similar concepts might be applicable with appropriate wrappers or bindings.