from collections.optional import Optional

# Initialize Optional with a value
var a = Optional(1)

# Initialize Optional with no value
var b = Optional[Int](None)

# Check if Optional has a value and use it
if a:
    print(a.value())  # prints 1

# Use or_else to provide a default value if Optional is empty
var d = b.or_else(2)
print(d.value())  # prints 2


The Optional type is a component designed to model a value that may either be present or absent. This type-safe nullable pattern allows for explicit handling of values that can be None, thus avoiding potential null-pointer errors and increasing code safety and readability.

Key Features

Use Cases



In summary, Optional provides a robust mechanism for handling nullable values in a type-safe manner, promoting better code safety and clarity. Its use is particularly beneficial in situations where data presence is uncertain, allowing developers to write more reliable and error-resistant code.