from collections import Set

# Initialize a set
my_set = Set[Int](1, 2, 3)

# Add an element

# Remove an element

# Check membership
print(1 in my_set)  # True

# Set operations
other_set = Set[Int](3, 4)
union_set = my_set | other_set
intersection_set = my_set & other_set
difference_set = my_set - other_set

# Iterate over elements
for element in my_set:


The Set data type in this API provides a collection mechanism to store unique elements, offering fast operations for adding, removing, and checking membership. The implementation ensures average-case constant time complexity (O(1)) for these operations, making it efficient for handling collections of distinct items.

Key Features

Use Cases



The documentation does not specify the platforms or programming languages with which this Set data type is compatible. However, the use of traits like Hashable and EqualityComparable suggests a design intended for integration with statically typed, object-oriented languages that support generic programming.